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Travel and Reimbursement Questions and Answers

 How do I get reimbursed for my Travel? What documentation do I need?
Complete a Travel Expense Voucher, (TEV Form 97), or a Travel Expense Envelope. Original receipts must be submitted for transportation, lodging, business meals, other business expenses (charges incurred for equipment rental, supplies, or delivery services), and for any single expense that is $75 or more. All travel expenses, regardless of dollar amount must be itemized by day on the TEV. If additional space is needed, use a copy of the TEV worksheet or attach a plain sheet of paper to detail daily expenses. Forward the form and receipts to your FSR. For more travel tips, visit the University's Travel policy web page.

 What can I get reimbursed for when I travel for Official University business?
The University will reimburse the Traveler, or the individual who has paid the traveler's expenses, for all necessary and reasonable University travel related expenses. You will most likely spend money on airfare, hotels, meals, and other incidental items, such as tips to skycaps and porters, business phone calls, and cab fares. Don't forget to get a receipt!

 What are non-reimbursable expenses?

  • Pay TV and video rentals during travel
  • Personal entertainment such as attending a professional sports event
  • Health club fees
  • Domestic car rental collision and damage waiver (CDW) insurance
  • Personal injury insurance coverage - Refer to Travel Accident Insurance.

 I lost my original receipt; can I still get reimbursed?
If you lose a receipt, contact the provider of the services. Most hotels, airlines, and car rental agencies will be happy to provide you with a copy of your receipt. If a receipt or duplicate cannot be obtained, submit an itemized list indicating what the expenses were. When submitting a duplicate copy of a receipt or alternate documentation, write this statement on the receipt and sign it: "This expense was incurred in connection with University business. I have not and will not be reimbursed from any other source."

 I'm traveling with an E-ticket, what do I use for a receipt?
If you are using an Electronic ticket, a receipt must be requested from the vendor at check in. Submit this original receipt for reimbursement.

 How can I automatically charge my airline tickets to my University accounts?
Use Travel Direct Billing for convenient airline and rail ticket purchase through the University's preferred travel agency

  1. Set up an account by completing a Travel Profile Form, print, sign, and fax to the University's preferred travel agency.
  2. Order your ticket(s) by phone from the University's preferred travel agency at 1-888-332-4642 and the costs will be direct billed to the account number you specified on the Travel Profile Form.

 What is the rate for mileage reimbursement?
32.5 cents per mile in accordance with IRS regulation.

 Can I be reimbursed for out of pocket expenses paid for cleaning service after a University event hosted at my home?
No. Services are paid with a Direct Payment Voucher (DPV). Independent Contractor status will be reviewed before payment. You may need to provide additional information. This rule applies to any service oriented agreements with non-university staff. If a university staff provided the service, submit an extra service payment form to your FSR/HR Specialist.

 What constitutes a Business Meal, and what do I need to be reimbursed?
Business meals are expenses, which are incurred while conducting official University business. The following must be submitted with each reimbursement request:

  1. Date and Place of meeting/activity.
  2. The specific purpose of the meeting/activity.
  3. The names of individuals attending the meeting/activity.
  4. Original receipts or copies of credit card receipts

 Can I get reimbursed from petty cash?
There is a limit of $50 payments for petty cash. Petty cash disbursements should be used only for small incidental expenditures and not as a method to bypass the University's Accounts Payable



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